Specialist Staffing Service for the
Live Entertainment and Sports Industry
Permanant and Temporary Installation Staff: Engineers, Technicians, Skilled Installers.
Local Crew, Riggers, IPATH, Forks, Climbers,
Steel Hands, Runners.
Marketing Services
With over 30 years of marketing exspertees developing stratagies to identify and target clients with both online and offline advertising we can help with any marketing needs you have, from ensuring the foundations are set, and the focus is on your desired outcome.
We punch above our weight
As a small family firm, we care, its our business and we put a lot of effort into it, our focus is not profit (although its needed), our focus is the task in hand, and over achieving on that task. So I would say it is down to this ethic, that we work with the level of client that we do.
Before spending money on anything to do with Marketing, you need to make sure the foundation of your business is as solid as possible and for most businesses this foundation is their official Google Business Listing
This listing is what Google shows when customers search for your business, so its vital its up to date. Google also shows your listing when users search for your type of business, so it can and does generate its own customers for you, how well your listing works for will depend on how it has been set up and maintained.
Depending on your market it may also be worth investing in your Bing and Yahoo business listing.
It could very well be that you know your customer base and how to target them (most companies do). The hard work is usually the cost of the advertising and getting the highest return possible.
Most customers will remember snippets of your advertising usually your business name and location and Google those snippets, and Google will usually show your Business Listing. when this happens and the information is up to date, it will result in higher conversion rates.